252 Bethnal Green Rd
London E2 0AA
Microscopic Root Canal Treatment


Our highly experienced root canal team can stop your tooth pain quickly

Root canal treatment, also known as endodontic treatment, is a dental procedure that is used to treat infections at the centre of a tooth. The procedure involves removing the bacteria from the root canal system and filling it with a filling or crown. Root canal treatment is not painful and can save a tooth that might otherwise have to be removed completely.

At Vidadent, we specialize in endodontic treatment and are equipped to provide the most comfortable and pleasant experience to their patients as possible. Our team of talented endodontics solely perform this procedure, and our doctors are all experts in their field and are capable of dealing with even the most complex of cases.

At the onset of the condition, symptoms may manifest mildly, such as sensitivity to hot or cold, or both, or possibly bite discomfort. We strongly advise that if you have toothache or any of these symptoms, you consult your dentist for an X-ray and diagnosis. Ignoring symptoms is not recommended.

To comprehend what Endodontic Treatment or Root Canal Treatment entails, it is helpful to have some knowledge about the structure of a tooth:

  • Teeth are composed of several layers.
  • The outermost layer of the tooth is called Enamel, which is a hard layer.
  • The Dentine layer, which is protected by the Enamel layer, has a soft tissue known as the Pulp at its center.
  • The Pulp contains blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue that are responsible for forming the surrounding Dentine and Enamel during tooth development.
  • The Pulp receives its nutrition supply from vessels that enter the end of the root.Although the Pulp is important during tooth development, it is not necessary for the function of the tooth. Even after the Pulp is removed, the tooth continues to be nourished by the tissues surrounding it.


Frequently asked questions about endodontics

Root canal treatment is required when the pulp inside a tooth is infected or damaged due to deep cavities, cracks, trauma, or dental disease. This procedure alleviates pain and prevents the spread of infection, ultimately saving a tooth that would otherwise need to be extracted. After the treatment, our highly skilled dental team will restore the tooth’s appearance and functionality.

Doctor will remove the infected tissue inside your tooth and clean the root canal system to prevent infection from coming back. Specialist will use a microscope to inspect the tooth thoroughly and fill the root canal system with a special rubber material.

Root canal treatment is similar to a regular filling procedure, except that it involves cleaning the infection from the root canal system inside the tooth. You will receive a local anaesthetic to numb the area and prevent any pain during the treatment. After the anaesthetic wears off, you may feel some soreness or sensitivity in the treated tooth, but this is normal and can be managed with over-the-counter painkillers. Root canal treatment is a safe and effective way to save a tooth that is badly decayed or infected.

                                  BENEFITS OF MICROSCOPIC ROOT CANAL THERAPY


  • Post removals                         
  • File removals                                                                    
  • MTA application ( for RCT perforation)  
  • Difficult teeth
  • It helps us with your diagnosis and creating an effective treatment plan
  • It can increase the success rate of the process and the results last longer
  • The risk of tooth fracture or tooth fissure is reduced to a minimum
  • Root canal can be cleaned and filled in a very precise way

Cases before and after Microscopic RCT

                                               Case Nr.1

36 – Re-RCT, MB and ML
Protaper Next X3, D – PN X5,
WVC Ah plus and master conX3/X5 34 – Re-RCT, 1 visit, apical iso 70, irrigation hypochlorite 5,25% and EDTA 17%, Protaper Next
X5 and K-file size 60 and 70, MTA application
– 2nd visit – fiber post and build-up
– Control x-ray at 1 year and 2 years post-treatment – full healing and asymptomatic

                                                Case Nr.2

11 – necrotic, apical iso 50, Protaper Next (PN) X5, irrigation with hypochlorite 5, 25% and EDTA 17%, dry canal, Warm Vertical Condensation (WVC) Ah plus and master cone PN X5, sealing and restoration with composite A2 GC – X-ray 1 year post-treatment, symptoms of partial healing

                                                   Case Nr.3

36 – symptomatic apical periodontitis
SAP 2 visits Re-RCT, calcium hydroxide between visits, D- iso 80, MTA
application, MB and ML iso30 PN X3, passive ultrasonic irrigation (PUI), hypochlorite 5,25% and EDTA 17%, WVC Ah plus and master cone, removal of old composite and direct reconstruction with Universal Essentia GC and EverX
– X-ray at 6 months, 1 year and 3 years, full healing and asymptomatic
– recommendation for protection with crown    

                                                  Case Nr.4

16 – irreversible pulpitis
– Acces through zirconia crown, 1 visit, MB2 separate from MB1, PUI
hypochlorite and EDTA, WVC Ah plus and master cone, direct composite restoration with EverX and Essentia Universal GC

                                                Case Nr.5

46 – symptomatic apical periodontitis SAP,1st visit – removal of metal post, re-rct irrigation NAOCL and EDTA, MB and ML shape to EdgeEndo iso 40, D iso 80 sealed with, MTA 2nd visit – sealing mesial canals with purple composite, restoring distal wall with flowable composite, build-up and fiberpost in D canal, temporary crown Luxatemp A2.

                                            Case Nr.6

16 – chronic apical abscess with a buccal sinus tract, recent history of
initiated re-rct in Macedonia and 3 different recommendation for
– 1 visit 2h30min, main cause of the apical lesion and sinus tract
was the calcified in ⅓ apical part of MB2 (as seen on the CBCT)
– Removal of two separated files from P canal (10min)
– Spotting and shaping the D canal which was hard to find previously (2min)

Finding MB2 with ultrasonic tips and shaping to PG X4 (45 min )
– Sealing MB1 and MB2 with MTA and WVC Ah plus and master cone for DB and P
– Removing old composite and rebuilding the mesial wall with
Essentia Universal GC, V3 Palodent ring and sealing the canals with purple flowable and EverX
– Healing of sinus tract with total disappearance in 1 week, asymptomatic, next x ray in 6 months

                                                 Case Nr.7

26 – symptomatic apical periodontitis SAP 3 indication of extraction,
patient wanted to save the tooth 2 visits, calcium hydroxide
between visits

– MB1 and Mb2 connected iso30 PN X3
– D thin walls, no sign of stripping, locating the canal, shaping to iso 25

– P – wet canal, drainage of pus iso 80, dressing of calcium hydroxide

– 2nd visit, sealing the canals and build-up with fiber post and Luxacore Z A3
– PMMA temporary crown for 6 months


  • Endodontic Examination                                                            £50                                           

Single Visit Root Canal Treatment (Vital tooth)

  • Incissors                                                                                       £550
  • Premolars                                                                                     £650
  • Molars                                                                                           £850 

Multiple Visit (Non-Vital tooth)

  • Incissors                                                                                        £700
  • Premolars                                                                                      £800
  • Molars                                                                                           £1000

      Complex Re-Treatment


Complex Re-Treatment                                                                          £1200


  • Permanent Restoration                                                                 £200-£300
  • Fibre Post/Metal Post+Build-Ups                                                £250

Extra Cost will apply for

Endodontic scan (OPG, CBCT) refer to Harley Street

  • Post removals                                                                                 £350-£400
  • File removals                                                                                   £350
  • MTA application ( for RCT perforation)                                        £200
  • Temporary Crown                                                                            £100
  • Metal bonded Crown                                                                      £580
  •  Zirconia  crown                                                                              £700
  • Internal Bleaching                                                                           £350                                                                    
Address and opening hours of the clinic
252 Bethnal Green Rd
London E2 0AA
Тел.: 020 7729 1385
Моб.: 07575 222 862
Opening hours:
Monday 9:00 — 20:00
Tuesday 9:00 — 20:00
Wednesday 9:00 — 20:00
Thursday 9:00 — 20:00
Friday 9:00 — 20:00
Saturday 9:00 — 18:00