252 Bethnal Green Rd
London E2 0AA

Patient Referral Form​


Referring Dentist's Details

Referral Details

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Clinical Details

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Please include any relevant file attachment such as radiographs, clinical notes or photographs. We accept the following files: JPG, PNG, DOC, DOCX, PDF
Address and opening hours of the clinic
252 Bethnal Green Rd
London E2 0AA
Тел.: 020 7729 1385
Моб.: 07575 222 862
Opening hours:
Monday 9:00 — 20:00
Tuesday 9:00 — 20:00
Wednesday 9:00 — 20:00
Thursday 9:00 — 20:00
Friday 9:00 — 20:00
Saturday 9:00 — 18:00